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KUU” is a film but not usual film.

“Awakening?” “It’s scary!”
some people say like this,

but awakening in KUU means
“Awaken your real power sleeping in yourself.”

Sometimes you have problem,
cannot be solved even tried to think hard.

People think too much and seal your inner self,
which in reality has enormous life power.

“Life” is full of uncovered potential.

film length : 69 minutes

Surrender yourself out of your mind


Visual Dimension Creator

Born in 1971. Since he started studying filmmaking in NY, he has been exploring infinite possibilities of visual medium. In his first feature film "MARU"(1999), he challenged to let the audience exposed to a drama with incomprehensible multiple languages without subtitles and got highly acclaimed among international film festivals. While being involved in many other film and TV productions, he also proposed new type of visual contents for kids and realized them in major TV programs such as Disney channel.
Now back in Japan, he works as "Visual Dimension Creator" not only for Film, TV, documentary, advertisement but also for many other fields and keeps pioneering the potentialities of relationship between visual medium and human beings.
"KUU" is one shape of the new possibility he has been pursuing for 25 years of his career.
He always says "Creation is prayer for me. Whenever I create something, I can feel just infinite possibility of our lives".

Short Film about Toshi Wakita:

Toshi Wakita

Toma Sauce

Awaken artist

Studied piano under Davis Stein, singing under Akiko Takamatsu and chorus under Ko Matsushita.
In 2004, won the Grand Prix at the Tolosa Choral Competition held in Basque, Spain.
In 2006, participated in the 17th The European Grand Prix for Choral Singing held in Varna (Bulgaria).
At present, expanding the activities as a voice actor, a singer, a model, and an actress.
Has travelled around Japan to connect heaven and earth dedicating sounds with shamanic drum and bell since the summer of 2016.

What is "KUU"?

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